Jake and Sam Bylsma at Second Beach in Washington

My name is Jake Bylsma.

My daytime gig is engineering, but my free time interests err on the creative side. I’ve always been a “both sides of the brain” kind of person, but things really changed when I got my first camera after college. It was as if the world opened up, revealing every awe-inspiring location just begging to be explored. I love the never ending challenge of trying to capture that beauty, and it just so happens that I get to enjoy the outdoors while I’m at it. Photography is the perfect excuse to get up before sunrise to witness first light on a giant mountain peak, or watch the sunset reflect off perfect tide pools, or stay up too late to take in the milky way. I’m hopeful that my photography inspires others to see the world in a different light as well.

I was born and raised West Michigan, moved to the great PNW for several years, and then moved back home to Michigan with my high school sweetheart, Samantha. When I’m not shooting, I enjoy hiking, camping, playing sports, eating food, and watching movies. I’m an avid sports fan, too. For better or for worse, my love affair with Detroit sports is strong. Our bucket list is also lengthy with vacation destinations, so planning our next adventure takes my time, too.

Feel free to message me if you’d like to get in touch or follow me on Instagram or Facebook to keep tabs on all our crazy adventures.